
Quantitative methods

发布时间:06月14日 预览:0

时间: (周四)
状态: [ 已结束 ]

About the teacher

Mbaye Fall DIALLO, Full Professor – University of Lille – Institute of Retail Marketing and Management (IMMD), France.(2017- present)
Director of the Department Commerce and Retailing of IAE Lille Business School (2021-present)
Member of President Macron African Advisory Board at Elysée (2019-present): in charge of education, research and professional insertion issues in Africa.
Main areas of investigation
Branding and retail brand: store brand, national brand, image perception, price perception, economic crisis, cross-cultural studies, France, emerging markets (Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam, …).
Innovation in retailing and services: commercial, social and technological, innovation, cross-channel retailing, sustainable tourism, France, developing countries (Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia, …).
Published 38 academic papers, 58 conference papers, and independently or participated in the publication of 16 works.

Course aims :

Present quantitative methods and market research focusing on:
- Focus 1 : Data collection procedures.
- Focus 2 : Data analysis procedures.

 Course plan :

Seminar I. Data collection procedures
1. Overview and approaches
2. AOL and data analysis implementation
3. Design and measurement
Practice : Work session – article presentations
Seminar II. Data analysis procedures
1. Descriptive techniques
2. Confirmatory factor analysis
3. Structural equation modeling
Practice : Work session - article presentations


课程:Quantitative methods

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